Branch Living

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I Know the Answer is Jesus, but...

I admit, I have a terrible time remembering jokes. I remember stories well—but that is because I can improvise the small details and can usually remember the overriding points. Jokes require that you not only remember the small details, but also that you have to have the right timing.

There is a joke I remember, and every once in a while, it fits the circumstances so perfectly, that I tell it again. That is another thing about jokes:  you have to tell them often to remember them and to get the timing right.

So, with that lead up, here is the joke I want to share with you:

There was once a Sunday school teacher who was quizzing her students just before Easter. She said, “Okay class – see who can guess what this is:  it has long ears, a fuzzy tail, and it hops around the yard.”

One little boy reluctantly raised his hand—and she called on him.

He stood, and looking a bit uncomfortable, said, “Okay, Mrs. Jones, I know that the answer is Jesus, but that sure sounds like a rabbit to me.”

I love this joke because it spoofs how we educate kids in our churches to know that Jesus is the answer to everything. And, that is because He is.

Unlike other religions, we believe that God sent His only Son to live on this earth—in an earthly body—to experience firsthand what it is like to be human.

And, because of this, He understands exactly what it is like to be human, even in the hardest ways.

Poor? Yes – he had no earthly possessions. He knew what it was like not to have food for tomorrow but to depend on God.

Misunderstood? More people didn’t “get” Jesus than those who did. And, often, He didn’t make it easy to understand Him. Even His family throughout most of His ministry though he was disturbed.

Mistreated? He was mistreated by those closest to Him. Nearly all of them.

Abandoned? Only four people stood at the cross with Him. And three of those were relatives.

Lonely? Those closest to him fell asleep as He begged the Father to remove from Him the fate that awaited Him.

Sad? Jesus wept at the sight of Jerusalem—the city and people He loved whom He couldn’t reach.

Tempted? Jesus was alone in the desert for 40 days with the Devil Himself to tempt Him while Jesus had no food.

With Jesus’ arrival on the scene, never again could anyone claim that God did not “understand” the situations they faced. He faced them all. And, He remained sinless and devoted to the Father.

We worship a great God. But, we also worship a good God. He loves us so much that He wanted to experience the worst the world had to offer to let us know He understands what we face—and to overcome it so that we know we, too, can overcome all of this through Him.

Finally, Jesus overcame death by rising again, the first witnessed account of life after death. With this, we have no fear. This world is not the end. Eternity with God awaits those who believe.

So yes, “I know the answer is Jesus.”

It always is.