Branch Living

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Learn the Great Hymns - and Let Them Speak to Your Heart!

I love praise songs and contemporary hymns. I enjoy the beat, the spirit, and the ease with which they can be sung.

But I find it sad that so few churches today incorporate traditional hymns into their worship services.

The traditional hymns were written when there were no computers, television, or radio. It was a time when men and women focused on faith, family, friends, and the work of their hands. They read many books and met regularly in churches, gathering houses, pubs, and each other’s homes to discuss thoughts, ideas, and faith.

Without the distractions of the modern world, they poured out their thoughts, hearts, and souls into hymns that could bring strength, comfort, and communion.

It is funny how, for those of us raised in churches with traditional hymns, lines from those hymns will suddenly come to mind.

I had this experience today when I found myself singing (in the quiet of my own home 😊) the hymn Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayers, written by Andrew Reed. Andrew Reed was a minister who wrote 21 hymns. He was a pastor who actively put his faith in action, founding “The London Orphan Asylum,” “The Asylum for Fatherless Children,” and “The Infant Asylum.”

The lyrics of the old hymns are timeless, like our faith.

Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayers

Spirit divine, attend our prayers,
and make this house your home;
descend with all your gracious powers;
oh come, great Spirit, come.

Come as the light, reveal our need,
our hidden weakness show,
and lead us in those paths of life
where all the righteous go.

Come as the fire and purge each heart
like sacrificial flame;
our soul a holy offering be
to our Redeemer's name.

Come as the dew and sweetly bless
this consecrated hour;
may barren souls rejoice to know
your life creating power.

Come as the dove and spread your wings,
the wings of peaceful love,
and let your church on earth become
one with the church above.


Lord, as the hymnist states:

Attend our prayers.

Come as Light.

Spread Your wings of peaceful love.

Come as the dew—and may barrenness rejoice to own Your fertilizing power.

Make this lost world Your home.

Descend with Your Gracious Powers.

Come, great Spirit, come!