Branch Living

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Is God Still Speaking?

“God is still speaking” is a catchy phrase currently touted in some Protestant churches.

Sometimes its intent is to encourage believers to be aware of and listen to God’s “voice,” what he wants to say to us.

But, in other cases, it hints at the possibility that maybe some tenets of our faith are no longer true—or have never been true—we just misunderstood God in the past.

How does a believer sort this out?

Whenever I am confused, I fall back on the “facts” underlying my faith.

A house must be built on a solid, unmoving foundation. This is also true of our faith. Without absolute truths, our faith has nothing to rest upon. We have nothing to stand upon.

Without absolute, inviolable truths, the world can pull us anywhere.

So, what are those absolute truths? Here are 20:

1.      There is one God – consisting of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

2.      We are all sinners

3.      Sinners cannot enter heaven on their own

4.      Jesus came to create a pathway to heaven through belief in Him

5.      There is no other pathway available (see #3)

6.      The Old Testament provided laws that show us how sinful our nature is and how different we are from God

7.      We cannot cleanse ourselves of our sins

8.      We cannot stop sinning on our own.

9.      Jesus took our place under God’s judgment when He died on the cross.

10.   Jesus did not eliminate the laws—He embodied them

11.   With God’s help, we are to seek to emulate Him and to try our best to live as He did.

12.   Jesus eliminated the thousands of rules and regulations the Jewish religion had piled on top of the essential rules. The essential rules are the Ten Commandments. The New Testament did not eliminate them.

13.   Our salvation does not depend on adhering to the rules—Our salvation depends on receiving Jesus as our Savior.

14.   We must try not to sin and to seek God’s forgiveness when we do sin

15.   God stands outside of time—He does not “grow” and evolve. He is God. Therefore, He cannot contradict himself.

16.   Jesus says the most important of all of the Commandments is to “…love God with ALL of your heart, ALL of your soul, and ALL your mind.” (Matthew22:37, NIV)

17.   Jesus says the second most crucial Commandment is to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39, NIV)

18.   God is still speaking the same truths. He is eternal. What He said in the past still stands. He will never contradict himself. His laws stand. His Commandments stand.

19.   When Jesus returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit came to earth. This is the presence of God amongst us.

20.   The Holy Spirit never contradicts God’s Word because He is God. He will reveal the truth if you pray, study God’s word, and consult with spirit-filled believers.

Yes, God is still speaking. He is increasing our knowledge. But He will never contradict what He has said in the past.

Don’t let the world tell you that God is now saying something different.

Read your Bible. It holds the Truth.