Is God Still Speaking?

Is God Still Speaking?

God is still speaking” is a catchy phrase currently touted in some Protestant churches.

Sometimes its intent is to encourage believers to be aware of and listen to God’s “voice,” what he wants to say to us.

But, in other cases, it hints at the possibility that maybe some tenets of our faith are no longer true—or have never been true—we just misunderstood God in the past.

How does a believer sort this out?

Whenever I am confused, I fall back on the “facts” underlying my faith.

A house must be built on a solid, unmoving foundation. This is also true of our faith. Without absolute truths, our faith has nothing to rest upon. We have nothing to stand upon.

Without absolute, inviolable truths, the world can pull us anywhere.

So, what are those absolute truths? Here are 20:

Let's Hear it for Fathers!

Let's Hear it for Fathers!

I grew up at a time when fathers were revered. The fathers in the television shows I watched were strong men who took care of their families. They were wise, compassionate, firm, and always took time for their kids. They teased their children and supported their wives. They were the dads we loved to watch!

But something happened between the time I was little and when my children were growing up.

Pentecost – The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost – The Gift of the Holy Spirit

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, commemorating the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Long before Christ, the celebration of Pentecost was a joyous occasion. It marked the wheat harvest, which occurred 50 days after the celebration of the barley harvest—the first fruits. The word “Pentecost” is Greek for “fifty,” which refers to the fifty days between the two festivals.

But, when Christ died, this celebration took a dramatic turn