
Mid-Year Resolutions—Time to Push Ahead

Mid-Year Resolutions—Time to Push Ahead

In a survey completed by US News and World Report, by mid-February, 80 percent of new year’s resolutions have been shelved. Goals are tough to achieve. Most require marathons—not sprints—and marathons take endurance.

So, what do we do when we find ourselves mid-year with shelved goals and stale dreams.

Here are some steps to help you jumpstart your plans and to finish this year with the satisfaction of having achieved what brings fulfillment and joy:

Why Orderliness is a Key Aspect of God

Why Orderliness is a Key Aspect of God

Organization is not one of my strengths.

There I said it.

It isn’t easy to admit. I would love to be able to say that I am highly organized.

But I am not.

My daughter is. She has EVERYTHING organized. Toys, books, drawers. All sorted, labeled and well placed.

She did not get that gene from me.

But, I appreciate it. And, I can see how it is reflective of God.

How is that?

Finding Contentment in Good Times and Times of Need

Finding Contentment in Good Times and Times of Need

The internet is an amazing place.

At the press of a button and just a few clicks, images from our family and friends, from our church and our community, from our nation and the entire world, flood in.

Happy images of babies and grandmas, of puppies and cows, of rich food and lovely sunsets.

Those have not been the images on display this week.


Unprovoked war.



The Cure for Anxiety

The Cure for Anxiety

One blessing that the pandemic brought to my life was the desire to listen to sermons from churches all across the country. I now have a list of church services I listen to—in addition to the local church I hope to attend again soon.

A particularly dynamic minister is Tim Dilena of Time Square Church in New York City. Recently, he preached a message on how to overcome anxiety, and there were points he made that I thought were profoundly simple, particularly memorable, and spot-on.

Recent surveys reveal that one in three Americans is experiencing anxiety. This number has skyrocketed under the stresses of the pandemic. Joblessness. Loneliness. Fear. These all feed anxiety. And, anxiety destroys joy.