The Habit of Gratitude! Never a Better Time Than Advent!

It has become very popular to talk about the “Attitude of Gratitude.” In fact, it seems that every Christian author, and many secular writers, feel the need to write on this subject

So why is gratitude so popular?

I believe the reason is this:

We are taught by the media, our culture, and nearly everything around us to not be content—to need more, better, faster, flashier. We are driven to believe the ads and articles that tell us what products will make us happier, more popular and more successful.

But, the more “stuff” we accumulate, the more we realize that happiness doesn’t reside in accumulating more stuff.. It doesn’t reside in “stuff” at all. It resides in God. It resides in His people. It also resides in just being content with where we are in our lives and with what we have.

That is the main reason that articles and books about gratitude are popular—it is the place where we land when we realize that more stuff is not the answer.

But, even when articles on gratitude lead us to appreciate the need for gratitude, we often do not go on to develop the Habit of Gratitude. We read the book on gratitude, but we don’t incorporate it in our lives.

So, how do we develop the “Habit of Gratitude”?

Like nearly all habits, it takes small steps every single day. We must learn to express gratitude deliberately.

I find it best to do this as part of my prayers.

Start off by thinking of something you are grateful for every day.

“Lord -thank you for…..”

And fill in the blank.

Here are some ways to get started.

Your health and well being

Something beautiful you saw

Something you like about your job

The chance to start a new day.

Something that made you smile

Friends and family

Begin with prayer.

Next, attach gratitude to a ritual, such as each time you wake up, each time you sit down in your car, each time you take your first sip of coffee, think to yourself: What am I grateful for?

Finally, do something to express or demonstrate your gratitude.

Give praise!

Say thank you to someone

Express to someone what they mean to you

By bringing gratitude into your daily routine, you will realize what a great life you truly have, what a great God you serve, and how things are okay—-right now—just as they are. You don’t need more. You need to appreciate more deeply.

Start now - with Advent.

There isn’t a better way to celebrate this season.

Start Advent with this prayer: I am thankful God that you came into this world and walked the walk you ask us to do every day, yet without sin. I am grateful you have demonstrated the Way, enduring suffering, loneliness, betrayal, and death for me. Lord, I serve you. I am grateful for YOU.”


Make it a part of every day.

Begin with this Advent season!