Branch Living

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How to Love Those You Work With!

We don’t pick our families.

Well, we don’t pick our coworkers either!

And, many of us spend more time with our coworkers than with our family members and friends.

So, how can we create good, harmonious relationships with our coworkers?

Here are a few tips I try to remember:

  1. Follow the Jesus’ commandment—Love Your Neighbor, in this case your coworker, as you love yourself. Find out what interests your coworkers have and ask questions about those interests. Ask about their family members—or their pets. Show interest in what they are interested in. And, genuinely care about them as people—not just coworkers!

  2. Mary Kay, founder of Mary Kay cosmetics, famously said that you should see each person you meet wearing a sign around his or her neck that says, “Make me feel special!” Who doesn’t want to feel special? Isn’t is wonderful when someone knows you so personally that they know how to make you feel special? Know your coworkers and make them feel special!

  3. Practice Presence. Stop during your day and really listen to the people you work with. Even if just for a few minutes. Give them your full attention. Put down your devices and really listen. This is a lost art!

  4. Don’t just speak from your head—also speak from you heart. Show caring and compassion. We are more than our work. Demonstrate that you know this!

  5. Bring humor to the table, in an appropriate way! Some people are just good at this—it is a natural gift. But, we can all try to lighten the mood and enjoy a good laugh. Laughter can diffuse a difficult situation. It can break the ice. It simply creates a nice environment to work in. If humor doesn’t come naturally to you, tell a funny story you heard. Tell a joke. Poke fun at yourself, lightly. People like to be around fun loving people. Be that person!

  6. Share the Joy, Love, and Faith you have in your heart! Jesus calls us to be the salt of the earth and to be the lamp on the table. Be salt and light. You may work in a secular job where you can’t discuss your faith. But—you can reflect that faith. And, people will notice.

What will you do to be a better coworker this year?