
Gentleness- a Fruit of the Spirit That Take Real Strength to Cultivate!

Gentleness- a Fruit of the Spirit That Take Real Strength to Cultivate!

Do you know a gentle person?

It seems in today’s world, the trait of gentleness is becoming harder to find and difficult to cultivate.

The person I know who is gentle is now over 100 years old—but I knew her when she was in her 70s—and my husband knew her when she was in her 50s—and for this entire period of time the term “gentle” describes her perfectly.

Other terms that come to mind are gracious, hospitable, and kind.

We all know gentleness when we see it – but my, it is hard to define!

We are the Strength of our Communities! Show them Him through You!

We are the Strength of our Communities! Show them Him through You!

So often these days, I hear how sad, lonely, tired, and depressed my fellow brothers and sisters in the faith have become with the chaos of these days and the restrictions brought on by the pandemic.

I get it!
In addition to this ministry, I work at a hospital. I have worked in hospitals now for 30+ years. Never has it been so tough. At least not in my lifetime.

But, we are called upon as the Church to be a pillar of strength in such times.

Brothers and sisters, this does not mean we ignore our feelings. You have every reason to feel discouraged, tired, and sad. Yes - every reason.

But you also have every reason to feel filled with hope, renewed energy, joy, and love.