The Days After Easter...

This week, I was listening to a minister on the radio who noted that in the days after His resurrection, Jesus did not appear to Pilate to tell him that he had been wrong in ordering His crucifixion.

Jesus did not appear to the Jewish leaders and chastise them for not believing and demanding His death.

He did not appear to the Roman soldiers who nailed Him on the cross.


Jesus did not come for those whose hearts were hardened—who could not see.

Jesus came for those who longed to see Him.

He appeared to those who needed to see the proof of His Resurrection, to be empower to go and spread the Good News—that Jesus Saves.

That death has been overcome.

That heaven is open to those who believe in Jesus.

There is a lesson here for all of us.

We pray to Him to show us what we should do with the time that has been given to us.

It doesn’t matter if powerful people praise us.

It doesn’t matter if popular people shun us.

What matters is that our lives are right with God.

Only in following Him will our life have purpose.

Only through the Holy Spirit will our actions be empowered.

We follow Him where He leads.

And, nothing else matters.