Let's Hear it for Fathers!

I grew up at a time when fathers were revered. The fathers in the television shows I watched were strong men who took care of their families. They were wise, compassionate, firm, and always took time for their kids. They teased their children and supported their wives. They were the dads we loved to watch!

But something happened between the time I was little and when my children were growing up.

The fathers they watched on television were goofy and confused. The mother had to guide them, solve problems, and care for them. Their children didn’t respect them—but found them funny and out of touch. Thank goodness for the strong, competent, always-present mothers in those shows. Without them, the children would have been lost.

In the early stages of this change, I asked my husband, “What has happened to fathers? Do you know anyone like this?”

And, of course, the answer was very few.

But, fathers hadn’t changed.

The portrayal of them changed.


Looking back, I believe it was part of a much more significant societal change:

-        the discrediting of authority.

-        the questioning of known truth.

-        a disregard for rules.

But, more than that, it is a rejection of our Heavenly Father—His rules, His authority, His love, His dominion.

The very people in our lives who are required to represent the Heavenly Father to us have been so badly tarnished that we question the Father they are charged to emulate.

Why do we need God?

Perhaps He, too, is a buffoon?

You discredit fatherhood—you discredit the Father.

No person is perfect—only God is. But the role fathers play in our lives was established for our protection, guidance, stability, and growth.

Knock them down—and we knock down the foundation we so badly need.

So, let’s bring back the respect our fathers are due. They deserve it. We need it.

And, in doing so, let’s remember that they have big shoes to fill—to reflect the goodness, truth, support, love, and guidance of our Heavenly Father.

By restoring respect for fathers, we take one giant step toward restoring the order this world needs.

And, we begin to allow this world better to reflect God’s Kingdom—our ultimate home.