Christianity and Freedom

It is interesting—I always thought Christianity thrived best in free societies.

It turns out I was wrong.

Christianity thrives in all societies—but most especially in those persecuted.

I recently read an article by Dennis McCallum published by Dwell Community Church entitled “Watchman Nee and the House Church Movement in China.” In it, Mr. McCallum notes that the estimated number of Christians in China before the 1949 Communist revolution was less than one million evangelicals, “no more than two million before the communist takeover.”

“These reports are amazing because, during the past 30 years, the Chinese church has lived under acute persecution, probably as harsh as that of any church in the world. Estimates of those killed go into the millions.5 In addition, virtually the entire evangelical Chinese-Christian intelligentsia was destroyed or silenced. Therefore, by even the most conservative estimates, the Chinese church must be considered one of the most victorious in the world. During a thirty-five-year period when the church in the developed countries has not experienced any significant growth at all, and in many places has decreased in size, the Chinese church has grown at least twenty and perhaps fifty-fold.

It seems today that most of the ferment of growth in China is occurring, not in the Government sanctioned ‘Three-Self Patriotic Movement’ (TSPM) churches, but in less organized and illegal house churches.”

Now, if you are like me, you are not at this point saying, “Wow, I hope we are persecuted soon!”


But, it does make me wonder if there is more I should be doing with my freedom to support the persecuted church and strengthen the churches here at home.

George Benard Shaw once said, “Liberty means responsibility. That is why men dread it.”

What can we do with our liberty for Christians currently under persecution?

Here are a few suggestions. I would love to hear yours!

1.     Pray for those persecuted – Prayer is a powerful weapon God has given us. Use it—and use it often!

2.     Financially support the persecuted church – my husband and I support Voice of the Martyrs. The organization received Guidestar’s silver award for transparency. There are others—but give responsibly. Ensure your money is going to an organization that will directly impact those persecuted.

3.     Urge your federal representatives to advocate for the persecuted church – leverage from the federal government goes a long way. Use your power of advocacy.

What can we do with our liberty to overcome the coldness of our fellow citizens toward the Church and to preserve our religious freedoms?

Ronald Reagan famously stated, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

This is true for all our freedoms—including speech and religion.

Here are suggestions:

1.     Demonstrate Christ’s love regularly to those around you, including your neighbors and coworkers – Christians are meant to be salt and light in an otherwise bland and dark world. Reflect on how you are fulfilling this God-given directive.

2.     Pray for your country and the churches – again, this is our most powerful weapon. And it brings you peace as you pray. The battle is not yours, though you may be called into it.

3.     Again, speak to your state and federal representatives about the need to uphold the freedom of speech and religion – they need to hear your voices continuously.

4.     Invite others to church! Just as you would tell your friends and neighbors about a great restaurant or play, let them know about your wonderful church!

Use your voice!


Spread God’s love.

We are always one generation away from losing our freedom!