
As I write this, the Christmas season is upon us, and other than Easter, no season so speaks to our hearts about our need and love of Christ as Christmas. Our bonds with Him go deep, through time and space, through flesh and spirit.

It is hard to speak of this bond to those not in the faith. It seems irrational, illogical. And yet, for those of us in Christ, it is the most significant part of our life. Christ is our foundation. We submit to Him not because we have to---but because, as Peter said, where else are we to go? Only He holds the keys to eternal life!

So, how do we strengthen this bond?

There are many, many ways. But a few that come to mind, during this season of giving, are these:

1. Give thanks — no matter our circumstances, we have so very much to be grateful for. The sunrise each morning. The laughter of a child. An unexpected visit from a friend. Each day, look for something to give thanks for—and give thanks often.

2. Give love and kindness — Smile! Greet people. Put down your cellphone and interact. People need people—someone right now wishes they had you in their life. Open the door for connections!

3. Give resources we truly are the hands and feet of Christ on earth right now. Live up to the commandment. Serve someone today.

4. Give time — spend time with the Lord who loves you infinitely. Spend time with those in need. Spend time wisely—it is worth far more than money!

There are so many ways to strengthen our bond with Christ. One of the main ways to focus on strengthening our bonds with Christ during this busy season is with this one question. “Lord, what would you have me do?”

Then, do it.

Here with you, my brother and sisters