Dedicating Lent to Growing Closer to God

Each Lent, I go back and forth about how to mark the season.

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Should I give something up?

Should I do an act of kindness each day?

Perhaps write letters of appreciation to those I have been meaning to thank?

All of these are good. It is hard to make choices among many good options, right?

This year, after mulling over these and other options, I landed on spending time each day with God with no agenda in mind. No set schedule. No selected verses to read. Just me, God, and my Bible. I open it up , read for a period of time, close it and reflect.

What would God have me take from that reading?

How can I apply it to my life?

Sometimes, the reading doesn’t pertain to me at all.

It speaks to God’s glory.

It speaks to suffering.

It speaks to sin.

But, it always speaks.

And that is what I am doing this Lenten season.

I am listening.