
At the forefront of what Christians are called to do is to be Good Givers!

We are told to emulate Christ in the giving our gifts, time, resources, love—and especially of ourselves.

Christ, throughout His ministry, demonstrated to us how we are to give to the poor, include the lonely, take care of the widows. We are to bring into the fold those who society rejects. We are called to be His hands and feet.

It is important that we examine our own lives periodically and reflect on those areas of our lives which we hold onto with “closed fists”.

In my case, I find it most difficult to be generous with my “free” time because I feel there is so little of it. Working full-time, partnering with my husband in ministry, visiting family in four states, make me feel like I have “no time”.

But, when I “loosen my grip” and decide to share my time, I find that I actually feel more at peace. I find that I do have time I can give.

And, this is a lesson I remind myself of whenever I grip anything too tightly. I was designed to follow the Great Giver. And, in following Him, I find deep peace.