Deep Bible Reading...

I hate to admit it, but for many, many years, I did not enjoy reading the Bible.

I loved reading Christian nonfiction.

I regularly read Christian blogs.

I listen to several Christian podcasts.

But, to sit and read the Bible was a discipline. I read through the Bible, cover to cover, two or three times. Each time, I was grateful to have done so. Each time I learned. But, it was not the experience I wanted. I wanted the “I can’t wait to dig into the Word experience,” and it just wasn’t happening. I saw it in others. It wasn’t in me.

But, two experiences turned me into a lover of the Word.

The first was listening to the Bible read every day. A friend of mine encouraged me to listen to a podcast he listened to in which a section of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalm, and Proverb was read each day. Initially, I had to make myself listen ever day. But, after a couple of weeks, I was looking forward to hearing God’s word spill into my life.

Then, I was eager for it.

Now, it is a habit like brushing my teeth.

One of the very nice parts of this particular podcast is the prayer section that follows. You hear listeners, some regular voices, from all over the world, pray for each other. You feel like God’s family—here on earth. Like church, but in some ways, more intimate.

The second pathway I found that led me to love the Bible is participating in my husband’s Bible study. There is something really meaningful and yes, downright fun, about studying and discussing God’s Word with friends. If you want to join us through Zoom, just send me your email address. No obligations!

It was through these two avenues that I came to truly love hearing, reading, and studying God’s word. I realize how the Bible is layers of truth, upon truth, upon truth. I understand how it speaks to us differently depending on what is taking place in our lives, but never contradictorily.

I realize why it has been life saving to millions.

It is to me.

If it isn’t to you, yet, I urge you to keep pursuing your love for His Word in its entirety. Try new avenues. I promise, it is a pursuit that will bring you love, joy, and “wealth” beyond measure!

Peace and Love-
