What the Church Can Do to Come Back Bigger and Better After the Pandemic.

Many churches have been impacted negatively by this pandemic. I have read a few conversations in blogs and on social media in which pastors and attendees wonder if the congregants will return to the pews.

Will members decide they like not having to get dressed on Sunday mornings and simply stay home, read the Bible, perhaps podcast their church service into their living room?

Or, will they return having missed what only in-person worship can provide: fellowship, those much needed hugs, in-person music, and feeling the presence of God with others?

I think a lot rests on what the churches are doing now—in the midst of the pandemic, and what they will do following widespread vaccine.

For now, the church needs to be present within the community making a real difference in the lives of the community residents, particularly those in need.

Here are a few things churches can be offering their community:

  1. Ongoing prayer for needs.

  2. Fellowship - keeping in contact with shut-ins, ensuring that those with issues of depression and loneliness know they have a friend to reach out to.

  3. Being known as the “go-to” group for needs such as grocery drop off, picking up prescriptions, leaf raking, etc.

  4. Using Zoom as a tool for togetherness—through online Bible studies, touching base, book studies, etc.

  5. Holding open air services or drive up services where those who don’t feel comfortable being inside can be “with” others and fellowship.

These are just a few ideas. The point is “let your Mission show” - be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus where people are, when they need you most.

A minister from a church I had contacted once or twice emailed me just to ensure that my husband and I were doing well. Did that make an impact on me? You bet!

Be there—just be there for the flock and the community.

This is when the church should shine!

After the pandemic, you can continue to serve the community, perhaps in different ways. Here are a few examples:

  1. Hold a “Welcome Home” service, welcoming back the flock in a very visible way, but also welcoming those who may have not previously attended.

  2. Help with job searches, provide job interview clothing for those in need.

  3. Have movies night for kids so that parents can go on a much needed/ appreciated date.

  4. Poll residents to find out what their greatest post-pandemic needs are and find ways to meet one or more of them.

Again, these are just a few thoughts. There are SO many ways to serve.

The point is, meet their needs now. Meet their needs then.

Most especially, spread the Good News wherever you go! Let people know that God heals hearts and minds as well as bodies. Let people know that even when they are alone, God is always there. Let people know that God loves them and cares that they are hurting.

Preach! Serve! Care!

A perfect recipe that will result in a church where people will say “I can’t wait to get back to church”!