The Habits of JOY!

Joy can seem so elusive.

Sometimes, when my heart is troubled, it seems the harder I try to find joy, the more discouraged I become.

Discouragement breeds more discouragement, and then I find myself slipping further and further into unhappiness. I won’t say depression, because I think that that has other associated meaning, but definitely unhappiness.

When I find myself heading in that direction, I remind myself of joy habits to get my footing and to turn around.

Here are a few joy habits I will share with you. I could always use a few new joy habits to add to my tool box. So, after reading these, please share yours!

Habits of Joy

  1. Get outside - This was a tip I picked up when I had my first child and was getting deep into the Baby Blues. My parents came over, and my dad said, “Just go outside—go for a drive—quit staring at these same walls.” And so I did. And just that bit of respite, that “new view” gave me a “new view,” a pick-me-up. Seeing that the world outside those four confining walls was still alive, that people were going about their lives, that nature’s beauty was about, made me realize that life is good and that my own “normal” life, my happiness, would return. What a blessing that was—and is to this day. So, if you are not feeling joy—get outside for a bit and see that life is good.

  2. Look for glimpses of God through metaphor. Today, when I was taking my walk, there was a jet that was streaming across this sky, just this fleck of silver. But, each time it caught the sun’s rays, it blazed—positively glowed white-silver—and I realized that I am like that plane, often dashing through my life, with my best moments, my “blazing” moments, being those when I reflect God

  3. Look around and repeatedly ask yourself one question. This is a tip I learned awhile back that has been one of my biggest keys to finding joy. I look around and I say to myself, “What, if I woke up tomorrow and didn’t have this in my life, would I miss terribly?” At this point, the list spills out. In addition to the obvious —God, family, friends, and church—there are so, so many others: sunsets, blowing leaves, my dog’s cocked head when he waits for me at the top of the stairs, the first gentle snowfall, the rush of the river promising spring—I can go on and on.. and I do. It is like the song in The Sound of Music, “My Favorite Things” —try it! Just look around or close your eyes and think, “What would I miss if I woke up tomorrow without it?” And then give thanks for it! Appreciate it!

  4. The final tip concerns not how to find joy, it is how to double your joy! I received this tip from Kingdom Seeker Daniel in a Facebook post. He sang a song about joy, and the main point of the song is that joy is only joy if you give it away. Joy isn’t something you can keep. It is, by its very design, meant to be shared. Joy is truly joy when you give it away..

So, when I am not feeling joy or if I want to experience more joy, I need to get out/ get a new view, look for glimpses of God throughout the day, be thankful for everything, and share the joy I have found with others.

What are your habits of joy?

Let me hear from you!