
Why Churches Shouldn't Ignore Empty Nesters...

Why Churches Shouldn't Ignore Empty Nesters...

“People took it for granted,” said Ryan Burge, a pastor and researcher, that “the Golden Girls are not leaving. They’re going to be here no matter what.”

However, according to the article, Burge found that in the past few years, adults ages 55 to 64 report significantly reduced church attendance—down a full 10 percentage points. And, according to Burge’s research, “When people stop attending church these days, their pastors can’t expect them to return.”

The article also cites a Pew Research Center survey from December of 2017. According to this survey, just under half of Christians over age 40 who stop attending church feel they are still practicing their faith. This is true for only 25% of those age 18-29 who don’t go to church.

Less than a third of those over the age of 65 stopped because of a dislike for the Church.

What Makes A Small Church Vibrant?

What Makes A Small Church Vibrant?

There is a Place for the Small Church

My husband and I have a very long history of serving small churches. We served a small church in the suburbs of a large urban area. And we have served multiple churches in small rural areas. Some of these have been yoked. Some independent. But all small—under 100 members.

There are some difficulties in serving small churches. First, …