
You get to Choose! Choose the Path that Leads to a Blessed Life (Psalm 1)

You get to Choose! Choose the Path that Leads to a Blessed Life (Psalm 1)

I was browsing through some of the Christian blogs I enjoy reading, when I came across the latest blog on, entitled, “The Psalm 1 Life.”

So, immediately, I turned to Psalm 1 to refresh myself on what it said. Here is Psalm 1 from the ESV:

The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked

Give Me That Old Time Religion - Hymns!

Give Me That Old Time Religion - Hymns!

My husband and I have an ongoing debate.

He firmly believes that a church without an organ—preferably a pipe organ—is like a Broadway show without the music. He feels something is missing. And, the drums and guitars don’t make up for this loss. In fact, in his eyes, they only point out what is missing.

While I don’t share his need for a pipe organ, I do believe that there are hymns that all Christians should know. It is part of our heritage. It is a uniting force.

Ashes...Lent...What Does it All Mean?

Ashes...Lent...What Does it All Mean?

Lent is one of my favorite seasons of the church.

It is the quiet season, the reflective season. Lent parallels the time of year perfectly in this hemisphere, where, in many places, nature is dormant and all life is driven inward.

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40-days. It is marked by reflection, fasting, repentance. It concludes in the celebration of the most holy day, Easter.

The forty days of Lent are meant to remind us of the number of days Christ…