The Gift of Forgiveness....

The Gift of Forgiveness....

We see in the Bible that an unredeemed heart is a dangerous thing, indeed. It is only through our new life in Christ, through our bonding with God, can we have hope of a heart that is not hard, but soft. Not dark, but open. Not self-focused, but God centered.

There are three lessons I learned that have radically changed my life toward hurt and forgiveness:

How the Holy Spirit Tries to Get Your Attention....

How the Holy Spirit Tries to Get Your Attention....

What is different about this generation is that we rarely have quiet moments.

At the same time, we want to hear the voice of God. We want the Holy Spirit to “speak” to us.

But how can he when we never have quiet?

With this in mind, I was intrigued by a piece that Beliefnet published this month, “5 Ways the Holy Spirit Tries to Get Your Attention”.

The Habit of Hope! A Minister in London During World War II Speaks to Us Today...

The Habit of Hope! A Minister in London During World War II Speaks to Us Today...

I want to share the greater portion of a sermon I found particularly meaningful in light of the pandemic, loss of jobs, and a general malaise that seems to have fallen across the globe.

The sermon is entitled, “When Hope Is Dead, Hope On!” It was authored by W. E. Sangster, a Methodist minister in London during World War II. The message was first preached during a particularly difficult time for the British people. According to “His sermons were regularly halted by bombings in the city. Sometimes he preached through them, telling hearers, "Those of a nervous disposition may leave now." During the five years of German bombing, Sangster virtually lived in the great bomb shelter below the church building.” He died in 1960. His sermon on hope follows:

The Persecuted Church...and Why We Should Care....

The Persecuted Church...and Why We Should Care....

Recently, Open Door released the 2021 World Watch List (WWL)of the top 50 countries where Christians are the most persecuted for following Jesus.

David Curry, the President and CEO of Open Doors USA introduced the report by stating, “You might think the (list) is all about oppression…but the (list) is really about resilience.”