
How the Holy Spirit Tries to Get Your Attention....

How the Holy Spirit Tries to Get Your Attention....

What is different about this generation is that we rarely have quiet moments.

At the same time, we want to hear the voice of God. We want the Holy Spirit to “speak” to us.

But how can he when we never have quiet?

With this in mind, I was intrigued by a piece that Beliefnet published this month, “5 Ways the Holy Spirit Tries to Get Your Attention”.

What To Do When the Door Simply Won't Open.....

What To Do When the Door Simply Won't Open.....

We have all experienced it: you see a good opportunity to help someone, to start a ministry, to do something for your community—and so you “go for it”… and nothing happens. Or worse, if falls flat.

Or, you think about doing something and seek confirmation—a sign an opportunity—that shows that this is God’s will in your life. And, nothing happens. No sign. No confirmation.

And, disappointment sets in. The doors are closed.

So, what do you do?