
Focusing on the Good Plans of God

Focusing on the Good Plans of God

When I think of the book of Ecclesiastes, I think of the depressing perspective Solomon has on life—that it is fleeting (a mist, a vapor, grass) and that our work and all we do is really in vain because life ends and it is all gone. Depressing.

But tonight, in reading Ecclesiastes 3, I realized that Solomon really does see both a good side and a rather bleak side of life:

The Secret Sauce for Goal Achievement--to Make it a Happy New Year!

The Secret Sauce for Goal Achievement--to Make it a Happy New Year!

Generally, when we are facing a new year, many of us set goals, listing out all we hope to accomplish in the year to come. But, surveys tell us that only between 8% and 9% of Americans realize the goals they set for the new year.

Why such a low rate of achievement?

Marcel Schwantes, in an article in Inc. magazine, details what the eight percent who successfully achieve their goals do on a regular basis that the other ninety-two percent don’t consistently do.

According to Schwantes, those who succeed: