
What Is Truth? And, Why Does it Matter?

What Is Truth? And, Why Does it Matter?

As a child, our truth rests with our parents. They are our truth. They tell us what is right, what is wrong, how we should feel, how we should adapt. They are our true north.

Soon, that true north is challenged. Friends enter our life, and they reflect the truths of their parents and siblings. And sometimes, that truth does not jive with our parents’ truth. Who to believe? At this point, most of us go with our parents, because they are our protectors, and we trust them.

But subtly, over time, we lose that true north. We begin to question what our parents have told us. Other authority figures enter our lives, and we start to wonder, what is truth? Where does it rest? School teachers teach truths that don’t mesh with what we have learned at home. Friends start to challenge our truth—and they make sense. What to believe? Where to go?