
The Gift of Forgiveness....

The Gift of Forgiveness....

We see in the Bible that an unredeemed heart is a dangerous thing, indeed. It is only through our new life in Christ, through our bonding with God, can we have hope of a heart that is not hard, but soft. Not dark, but open. Not self-focused, but God centered.

There are three lessons I learned that have radically changed my life toward hurt and forgiveness:

December 6th? Must be St. Nick!

December 6th? Must be St. Nick!

Today is St. Nicholas Day. It is always on December 6th!

There really was a Christian Saint Nicholas. He was born in the third century in what was Greece and is now on the southern coast of Turkey His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devote Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young.

Nicholas grew up and became a priest who lived his faith in full measure—

Learning Lessons the Easy Way....

Learning Lessons the Easy Way....

We are living in a time in which many honestly believe newer is better, younger is wiser, and truth is relevant.

The sad thing about this is that this mindset forces us to learn lessons ourselves—which is the most painful way to learn.

Rarely do we study the past and then take the lessons that were learned by others and apply them to our circumstances.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way.