Christian faith

The Rhythm of Loving People

The Rhythm of Loving People

The pandemic has brought out the best in some people.

The nurse who, in spite of the long shifts, stays on to hold the hand of a COVID-19 patient and to be there with his family.

The teacher who when realizing that her virtual-learning student doesn’t have the book he needs, drives it to his house, and takes along a pack of rainbow gum as an added treat.

What To Do When the Door Simply Won't Open.....

What To Do When the Door Simply Won't Open.....

We have all experienced it: you see a good opportunity to help someone, to start a ministry, to do something for your community—and so you “go for it”… and nothing happens. Or worse, if falls flat.

Or, you think about doing something and seek confirmation—a sign an opportunity—that shows that this is God’s will in your life. And, nothing happens. No sign. No confirmation.

And, disappointment sets in. The doors are closed.

So, what do you do?